How Long Does Delta-8 Stay in Your System?
Delta-8 is a cannabinoid found in hemp and cannabis that has gained attention recently due to its unique effects. Delta-8 has been reported to provide an uplifting and calming high, without the same degree of psychotropic effects as delta-9 THC, making it appealing to some users.
But one important question remains: how long does delta-8 stay in your system?
The answer depends on several factors, including your age, weight, metabolism rate, and how much delta-8 you consume.
Generally speaking, the half-life of delta-8 is about 12 hours. This means that after 12 hours, half of the amount of delta-8 will have been metabolized and processed by the body. After 24 hours, 75% of the ingested delta-8 will have been processed. And after 48 hours, nearly all of it should have cleared from your system.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that these are only general estimates—every person’s metabolism works differently so results may vary from person to person. Additionally, heavy users may retain traces of delta-8 for up to two weeks after ingestion while infrequent users can clear it out within a few days or less.
It’s also important to note that traces of delta-8 may remain in urine tests for up to three days after use. As such, if you plan on taking any kind of drug test at work or school then it’s best to abstain from using delta-8 beforehand.
In conclusion, how long delta-8 stays in your system depends on a variety of factors including age and metabolic rate among others. Generally speaking though we can estimate that most people should be able to clear out delta-8 within 48 hours—though heavy users may retain traces for up to two weeks afterwards.
Furthermore traces may remain in urine tests for up to three days after use so if you plan on taking any kind of drug test then it’s best to abstain from using delta 8 beforehand just in case!